Attending Services
A very warm welcome to guests, friends and members of Self Realization Fellowship! Below is helpful information about our chapel practices and services offered.
You will find the deep silence during our meditations a unique opportunity to relax and feel the peaceful presence of Spirit.
Preserving this rich silence and stillness is something we ask everyone to do to the best of their ability. Concentrating the mind and stilling the body is necessary for communion with God.
Our small chapel does not have an appropriate place for young children during the services, but we warmly invite young families to join us for Sunday School after service, from 11:15am - 12:15pm on the fourth Sunday of the month (starting August 25, 2024) for instruction and socializing.
We enjoy meeting, greeting and sharing socially after our Sunday Services. It's a great opportunity to ask questions and get to know our members.
We value fresh air, leaving windows open to avoid drowsiness in winter. Air conditioning is used in summer. Air purifiers are used year round.
During our services, chanting provides an opportunity to stand, stretch, use the restrooms, or quietly enter or leave the chapel.
Comfort and Consideration
The Eugene Meditation Group of
Self-Realization Fellowship
Our group brings together spiritually-minded people to expand our personal relationships with God through meditation and fellowship.
In our services and meditations we share and practice the teachings and techniques of Paramahansa Yogananda within the organization he created, Self-Realization Fellowship.
We offer regularly scheduled devotional services, Sunday School, socials, potlucks , lending library and selected items for purchase.

"Day by day, as you learn to meditate, a new awakening will come;
a new, living relationship with God will be established."
Paramahansa Yogananda